WM 468350 Reworking (grinding) parking-brake shoes
Reworking parking-brake shoes
Reworking (grinding) parking-brake shoes
Grinding applies only to vehicles with steel brakes. PCCB brake discs/brake shoes do not need to be ground down.
Grinding must be performed after setting the brake shoes to the basic setting.
The brake shoes must be ground down prior to calibration.
It is not necessary to grind down the brake shoes if you are simply removing/installing the brake discs -> 465319 Removing and installing rear brake disc 465319 Removing and installing rear brake disc, -> 468356 Replacing brake shoes Adjustments 468320 Replacing brake shoes (PCCB) 468320 Replacing brake shoes.
Each time the brake discs and/or brake shoes are replaced, the electric parking brake (EPB) must be ground down after first setting the brake shoes to the basic setting -> 468316 Setting and calibrating parking-brake shoes Adjustments. The electric parking brake will only function fully after it has been ground down and calibrated. This involves driving the vehicle eight times from standstill to 10 km/h (6 mph) up to max. 20 km/h (12 mph) for a distance of 20 metres. If the distance in metres is not sufficient for several consecutive cycles, you can perform a reset with the vehicle after every cycle and drive on the same stretch of road several times!
The ]]Grind brake shoes[[ routine is initiated using the Porsche System Tester.
1. Select ]]Parking brake[[ in the control unit overview. Select ]]Maintenance/repairs[[ ]]Grinding[[. Follow the instructions on the Porsche System Tester.
2. Once the brake shoes have been ground down correctly, the EPB must be calibrated. -> 468316 Adjusting parking-brake shoes Adjustments