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Hot Lamp Indicator

When a transaxle malfunction is detected, the malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) telltale may illuminate. The telltale will illuminate for all diagnostic trouble codes, but will not illuminate for informations flags. If engine and transmission codes are present, a DTC 12 will flash which indicates the PCM diagnostics are functioning, followed by any engine diagnostic trouble codes that may be present. A DTC 11 will then flash indicating "Transaxle Diagnostic Trouble Codes". After DTC 11 is flashed three times, the low coolant/hot lamp will flash stored transaxle diagnostic trouble codes. If an information flag in the transaxle is stored along with the diagnostic trouble codes, they will also be flashed at this time. If only information flags are stored and a diagnostic check is complete, DTC 12 will flash followed by any engine diagnostic trouble codes. DTC 11 will not flash, but the low coolant/hot lamp will begin to flash transaxle flags. Automatic transaxle flags will not turn on the MIL lamp and are used as diagnostic aids.

If a faulty low coolant/hot telltale bulb or circuit is suspected, it can be checked with the Saturn Portable Diagnostic (Scan) (PDT) Tool by selecting the TCM menu. DTC 26 may also be logged if the low coolant/hot lamp circuit has a fault.