Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Helpful Hints

1. If a fuse is blown, look for a short to ground in the circuits between the junction block and the component or an internal component short. The short may also be in a circuit that is switched, such as a circuit beyond a relay contact.
2. Before checking the integrity of a circuit by means of a voltmeter or ohmmeter, check to see if other components or systems fed or grounded by the circuit are operating properly.
3. Verify that the connector pin terminals are not spread apart, broken, worn, or corroded due to salt water, antifreeze, etc.
4. Verify that the terminals and pins a in their correct cavities.
5. Opens normally occur at connectors, terminals and splices.
6. Use the diagnostic service probe and a multimeter to diagnose circuits that contain 18, 20, or 22 gage wires. The diagnostic service probe causes a minimum of disturbance to the circuit wiring and connections.