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Battery and Generator - Revised Diagnostics: Overview


ISSUE DATE: July, 1997

GROUP/SEQ. NO.: Electrical - 05


Service Information on Battery and Generator Diagnostics

1991-1997 Saturns

The procedure used for diagnosing batteries and generators has been revised. The new diagnostic procedure for the battery and generator is being provided in the form of a flow chart contained in this bulletin. Also, two copies of this flow chart are laminated and included with this bulletin. These laminated charts contain the battery testing procedure on one side, and the generator testing procedure on the other side; along with specifications for all versions of generators used on Saturn vehicles. Please attach one laminated chart to each electronic system tester for quick reference.

The specifications provided with this bulletin supercede the specifications available in prior versions of the Electrical Service Manuals.

It is important to note that whenever testing or charging a battery outside of the vehicle, appropriate battery terminal test adapters should be used. If proper adapters are not used, test results may be invalid and/or battery charging time may be greatly increased.

Saturn STRONGLY recommends the use of battery terminal adapters whenever testing or charging a battery out of the vehicle. One set of battery terminal adapters, SA98O7 (AC Delco ST-1201), has been sent with this bulletin to all Saturn Retailers. Additional sets of terminal adapters can be purchased through the Saturn special tools catalog.