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PDT - Maintenance Program Discontinuation

NO.: 99-I-16

DATE: November, 1999

Discontinuation of Portable Diagnostic Tool (PDT) Maintenance Program

TO: Saturn Fixed Operations Managers

The purpose of this bulletin is to advise Saturn Retailers that the PDT maintenance program will be discontinued beginning January 1, 2000. The PDT has been phased out as the main Scan tool for performing diagnostics and communication with Saturn vehicles. The Tech 2 is the primary Scan tool to be used on all model year Saturn vehicles. The PDT still operates as a stand alone Scan tool for 1991 to 1998 model year Saturn vehicles. However, once remaining PDT repair parts have been exhausted, inventory will not be replenished.


As of January 1, 2000, Saturn Retailer open accounts will no longer be charged for PDT maintenance.


As of January 1, 2000, the Saturn Help Desk will no longer be available to accept calls regarding PDT issues.

For Saturn Retailers who desire to maintain a functioning PDT repair parts will be made available from Kent-Moore until the remaining parts inventory is depleted. Kent-Moore can be contacted at 1-800-345-2233.