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Pressure Bleeding

NOTE: Before bleeding the rear brakes, the rear displacement cylinder pistons must be returned to the topmost position. Using a SATURN scan tool or suitable equivalent, perform RUN ABS MOTORS, PISTON UP-HOME. This will run the pistons to the top of their travel.

CAUTION: Use only DOT 3 brake fluid from a clean and sealed container. Do not use DOT 5 brake fluid.

1. Remove master cylinder cover and ensure reservoir is properly filled.
2. Connect bleeder adapter tool No. SA9150BR, or equivalent, to master cylinder reservoir.
3. Connect bleeder adapter to pressure bleeding equipment.
4. Connect a clear plastic bleeder hose to modulator assembly rearward bleeder valve and submerge other end of hose into clean container partially filled with brake fluid.
5. Adjust pressure bleeding equipment to 5-10 psi, then wait approximately 30 seconds to ensure there is no leakage.
6. Adjust pressure bleed equipment to 30-35 psi.
7. To bleed ABS hydraulic modulator and master cylinder, proceed as follows:
a. Slowly open rearward bleeder valve and allow fluid to flow until no air is seen in fluid, then torque valve to 5.4 ft. lbs.
b. Attach bleeder hose to modulator assembly forward bleeder hose.
c. Slowly open forward bleeder valve and allow fluid to flow until no air is seen in fluid, then torque valve to 5.4 ft. lbs.
8. To bleed wheel brakes, proceed as follows:
a. Raise and support vehicle.
b. Attach bleeder hose to bleeder valve of right rear wheel and submerge other end of hose into clean container partially filled with brake fluid.
c. Loosen bleeder valve and allow fluid to flow until air bubbles are no longer present, then close valve.
d. Repeat steps b and c, first for left rear wheel, then the right front caliper, then the left front caliper.
9. Road test vehicle, to verify brake performance.