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Fig. 9 Brake Pressure Bleeder Adapter Installation.:

CAUTION: Brake fluid is corrosive to painted surfaces. Care must be taken not to allow brake fluid to come in contact with painted surfaces on vehicle.

NOTE: When bleeding the brake system, always bleed right rear wheel circuit first, followed by the left front, left rear and, finally, right front.

Pressure bleeding equipment must be the diaphragm type. It must have a rubber diaphragm between the air supply and the brake fluid to prevent air, moisture and other contaminants from entering brake system.
1. Clean brake fluid reservoir cap and area around cap, then remove cap.
2. Fill master cylinder reservoir with DOT 3 type brake fluid.
3. Install bleeder adapter tool No. SA9150BR, or equivalent, on brake fluid reservoir, Fig. 9.
4. Connect pressure bleeder to adapter and set pressure to 20-25 psi.
5. Loosen front brake line at master cylinder and allow brake fluid to flow from front master cylinder port until all air is bled, then tighten front brake line to master cylinder.
6. Open each bleeder valve until all air is bled, then tighten bleeder screw.
7. Remove pressure bleeder and ensure fluid level is full.