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3. Cylinder Block Disassembly

- Tools Required
- SA9llOlNE Feeler Gauge Set
- J41742 Connecting Rod Guide Pin
- SA9179NE Dial Indicator

1. Remove rear oil seal carrier.
Remove the four bolts and rear oil seal carrier. Pry tangs are located on both sides of the rear seal carrier. A rolling head pry bar or pinch bar will separate the carrier from the cylinder block, use care not to damage the sealing surface.

2. Check connecting rod side clearance vertically along side the rod:
Using a dial indicator or feeler gauge set SA91101NE (or equivalent), measure the side clearance while moving the rod back and forth.
Side Clearance:
Standard: 0.165 - 0.435 mm (0.0065 - 0.01713 inch)
Service Limit: 0.470 mm (0.01850 inch) max.
If clearance is greater than maximum, replace the connecting rod assembly. If necessary, replace the crankshaft.

NOTICE: Connecting rods and caps are identified with a serial number during manufacture to prevent interchanging of parts.

3. Remove connecting rod caps and check oil clearance:

4. Remove the connecting rod caps.

IMPORTANT: Keep the lower bearing inserted in the connecting rod cap.

NOTICE: Do not pull the piston assembly down through the cylinder bore beyond its normal travel. The oil control rings can lodge between the bottom of the cylinder liner and machined step in block, and act as a snap ring, holding the piston firmly in place. Cylinder liner removal is required to free the piston.

a. Install connecting rod guide pins J41742 to protect the crankshaft from damage during piston and connecting rod assembly removal.

IMPORTANT: Do not remove the connecting rod and piston assembly until all measurements are taken and the cylinder ridge has been removed, if present.

b. Clean rod journal and bearing.
c. Check the crank pin and bearing for pitting and scratches.

IMPORTANT: If the crank pin (connecting journal) or bearings are damaged, replace the bearings. If necessary, grind the connecting rod journals or replace the crankshaft. 0.25 mm (0.010 inch) undersized crankshaft bearings are available for crankshaft repair.

d. Lay a strip of Plastigage (or equivalent) across the rod journal.

IMPORTANT: The connecting rod bolts are torque-to-yield fasteners. It is acceptable to use the original rod bolts when using Plastigage to determine crankshaft pin clearance. New bolts, which have never been tightened, must be used when the connecting rod and rod cap are final assembled in the engine.

e. Install connecting rod cap.
Torque: 25 Nm (19 ft. lbs.) + 75 degrees

IMPORTANT: Do not turn the crankshaft when there is a Plastigage (or equivalent) strip between the bearing and crankshaft journal.

f. Remove the connecting rod cap.

g. Measure the Plastigage (or equivalent) at its widest point.
Rod Journal Oil Clearance:
Standard: 0.003 - 0.053 mm (0.0001 - 0.0021 inch)
Service Limit: 0.055 mm (0.0022 inch) max.
If the oil clearance is greater than maximum, replace the bearings. If necessary grind the connecting rod journals or replace the crankshaft.
h. Completely remove the Plastigage (or equivalent).

IMPORTANT: There are three bearing sizes available; (standard, 0.012 mm (0.0005 inch), and 0.025 mm (0.001 inch)) to adjust for correct connecting rod bearing oil clearance. 0.25 mm (0.010 inch) undersized bearings are available for crankshaft repair.

5. Complete the procedure on the rest of the bearings.

NOTICE: Do not pull the piston assembly down through the cylinder bore beyond its normal travel. The oil control rings can lodge between the bottom of the cylinder liner and machined step in block, and act as a snap ring, holding the piston firmly in place. Cylinder liner removal is required to free the piston.

6. Remove piston and connecting rod assemblies. Do not pull the pistons down through the cylinder bore beyond their normal travel.

NOTICE: When removing a ridge in the cylinder, do not damage the top of a cylinder bore.

a. If a ridge can be felt at the top of the cylinder bore, it must be REMOVED. If necessary, install cylinder ridge reamer and remove the ridge at the top of the bore per the manufacturer's instructions.

b. Make sure the rod guides J41742 are installed to protect the crankshaft from damage.
c. Push out the piston and connecting rod assembly through the top of the cylinder bore.

IMPORTANT: Keep the bearing inserts with the connecting rod and cap. Arrange the piston and connecting rod assemblies in order.

7. Check crankshaft thrust clearance:
a. Using a dial indicator SA9179NE (or equivalent), measure the thrust clearance while prying the crankshaft back and forth with a screwdriver.
Thrust Clearance:
Standard: 0.050 - 0.200 mm (0.0020 - 0.0089 inch)
Service Limit: 0.25 mm (0.0098 inch) max.
If the clearance is greater than maximum, replace the thrust bearing.

8. Uniformly loosen and remove the main bearing cap bolts.

a. Using the main bearing cap bolts, move the cap back and forth, to loosen and remove the cap and bearing. Bolts can be tapped lightly with a plastic hammer.

IMPORTANT: Keep the lower bearing inserted with the cap. Arrange the caps in correct order according to the number and arrow stamped on each cap.

b. Check each journal and bearing for pitting and scratches.

IMPORTANT: If the journal or bearing is damaged, the bearing will require replacement. The crankshaft journals can be reground. 0.25 mm (0.010 inch) undersized bearings are available for crankshaft repair.

c. Lay a strip of Plastigage (or equivalent) across each journal.

d. Install the main bearing caps.
Torque: 50 Nm (37 ft. lbs.)

IMPORTANT: Do not turn the crankshaft.

e. Remove the main bearing caps.
f. Measure the Plastigage (or equivalent) at its widest point.
Oil Clearance:
Standard: 0.006 - 0.050 mm (0.0002 - 0.002 inch)
No. 1,2,3, 4,and5:
Service Limit: 0.060 mm (0.0024 inch) max.
If the oil clearance is greater than maximum, replace the bearings. If necessary, grind the main bearing journals or replace the crankshaft.

IMPORTANT: There are three bearing sizes available; (standard, 0.012 mm (0.0005 inch) and 0.025 mm (0.001 inch)) available to adjust for correct main bearing journal oil clearance. 0.25 (0.010 inch) undersized bearings are available for crankshaft repair.

g. Completely remove all Plastigage (or equivalent) material.

9. Remove the crankshaft:
a. Lift out the crankshaft and remove the upper bearings.

IMPORTANT: Arrange the caps and bearings in correct order according to the number and arrow stamped on each cap.