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2. End Cover

- SA9136T Hub Seal Expander/Sizer Kit
- SA9143T Input Shaft Seal Installer


IMPORTANT: Remove and install parts carefully to avoid damage.

1. Remove output shaft hub lip seal retainer and remove lip seal.
2. Remove output shaft hub retainer and remove output shaft hub.
3. Remove two input shaft hub retaining bolts and remove hub.
4. Separate the input tube from the input shaft hub and separate the output shaft tube from the output shaft hub by pressing the tubes out of the hubs by hand.

5. Inspect all seals and O-rings for damage. Replace as necessary.


NOTICE: Prior to using hub seal expander sizer kit SA9136T inspect the tools for any nicks or burrs that could damage the input shaft hub seals.

1. Place input hub, with threads facing up, on tall support SA9136T-4 (4).

IMPORTANT: Lube ring seal with Saturn Transaxle Fluid before installing.

2. Place sizer SA9136T-2 (3) over hub, with large internal diameter down, to act as a seal stop.
3. Install expander cone SA9136T-1 (2) on hub and place ring seal on cone.
4. Use pusher SA9143T (1) to install hub ring seal.

5. Remove expander cone from input hub and lift hub off support (4). Remove sizer (3) from support (4). Place hub, threads facing up, on tall support SA9136T-4 (4).
6. Size seal ring by placing sizer (3) over hub, with large internal diameter down, until it bottoms out on work table.

7. Place hub (with threads facing down) on small support SA9136T-3 (5).
8. Place sizer (3) over hub, with large internal diameter facing down, to act as a seal stop.

IMPORTANT: Lube ring seal with Saturn Transaxle Fluid before installing.

9. Install expander cone (2) on hub and place ring seal on expander cone.
10. Use pusher SA9143T-2 (1) to install hub ring seal.

11. Remove expander cone from hub and lift hub off support (5). Remove sizer (3) from support (5). Place hub, threads facing down, in short support.
12. Size seal by placing sizer (3) over hub, with large internal diameter down, until it bottoms out on work table.

13. Install input shaft tube retaining pin, tube seal ring and O-ring seal on the input shaft tube.
14. Slide the tube through the hub and seat the retaining pin in the hub slot provided.

15. Install the output shaft tube retaining pin, tube seal ring and O-ring seal.
16. Install the output shaft hub O-ring seal.
17. Slide output shaft tube through the output shaft hub until the retaining pin rests in the hub.

18. Install new input shaft hub to end cover gasket in the rear cover.
19. Install the input hub and tube assembly to the rear cover by placing it over the gasket and installing the two retaining bolts. Make sure to line up roll pin with slots in input hub.
- Torque: 12 Nm (9 ft. lbs.)
20. Lube O-ring and install the output shaft hub assembly in the end cover. Make sure seal does not bind up during installation.
21. Install the output shaft hub retaining ring. Install the output shaft lip seal and retaining ring. Make sure lip seal does not bind up during installation.