Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Disassembly of Front Cover and Oil Pump Assembly

1. Remove drive and driven rotors:
a. Remove the cover plate screws.

- An impact driver and T-30 TORXk3 are required to break the oil pump screws loose.
- The oil pump cover screws are coated with a sealant to prevent oil leakage. New screws must be installed if they are removed.

b. Mark the drive rotor and driven rotor with a felt pen. Remove the drive rotor and driven rotor.
2. Remove relief valve.

NOTICE: Whenever the oil pressure regulator valve is removed, it must be replaced. The puller jaws will damage the valve sealing seat upon removal.

3. Using service tool SA9103E, pull the valve from its bore with slide hammer SA9173G.