Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

1. Preparation For Disassembly

- Tools Required
- SA9123E Gasket Seal Cutter

1. Mount the engine on a stand.

NOTICE: Large washers or spacers with a 19.05 mm (3/4 inch) inside diameter are required around the cylinder block dowel pin locators to prevent pin damage when attaching the engine to a stand. Cylinder block bolt threads are M12 x 1.75.

2. Remove all accessories and components:
a. Starter
b. Generator
c. Water pump
d. Oil pressure sending unit
e. Knock sensor
f. Crankshaft position sensor
g. Flexplate or clutch assembly and flywheel
h. Oil pan and filter

IMPORTANT: Use RTV cutter service tool SA9123E to cut the oil pan seal away from the front cover and rear seal carrier.

i. Oil pick-up tube
j. Crankshaft bearing tie plate (DOHC [LL0] engine only)