Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Customer "Snap-Shot" Function

The PCM has the capability of running a "CUSTOMER SNAP-SHOT" function to aid in intermittent diagnosis. In the past, intermittent driveability concerns relied solely on the self-diagnostic capabilities of the on-board diagnostics. With this feature, the customer has the ability to capture engine general information parameters when experiencing driveability concerns to aid in diagnosis. If the vehicle is equipped with cruise control, activation of the function is accomplished simply by toggling the ON/OFF cruise control switch three times within three seconds. The PCM looks for three transitions either Off or On within the three second window to capture the data. The PCM then sets a diagnostic trouble code P1624 and information is stored in the Freeze Frame/Failure Record. The Freeze Frame/Failure Record can be accessed using a Scan tool. The PCM will allow only one capture per ignition cycle.