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Ignition Timing: Adjustments

To Adjust Basic Ignition Timing

1. With the ignition switched off, loosen the distributor holddown bolt. On PL (16-valve) engines, there are two.

CAUTION: The distributor should be just loose enough to be moved by hand, but not so loose that it engine vibration alone can turn it.

2. Start the engine and check the timing as described in Testing and Inspection; Procedures; Base Timing.

Fig. 4-4:

NOTE: Fig. 4-4; timing mark on flywheel aligned with pointer in timing check hole (top of bellhousing). Timing mark indicates 6° before top dead center (BTDC).

3. To adjust, gradually turn the distributor housing until the timing mark on the flywheel lines up with the pointer in the timing check hole in the transaxle, as shown above in Fig. 4-4.

Ignition timing specifications:
- adjusting 6° ± 1° before TDC
- CIS, CIS-E check at idle

4. Stop the engine and tighten the distributor hold-down bolt(s) without moving the distributor.
Tightening torque:
- JH, 2H (all except 16V) 25 Nm (18 ft. lb.)
- PL (16V) 10 Nm (87 in. lb.)
5. Start the engine and recheck the ignition timing. Re- peat the adjustment if necessary.
6. Turn the ignition off and remove the test equipment. On cars with manual transmission, replace the plastic plug in the timing check hole.
Unsteady ignition timing may be caused by worn distributor shaft bearings. If the shaft can be wiggled in the housing, the distributor housing assembly should be replaced.