Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Recommended Parts

- New water pump and gasket (and O-ring if entire water pump housing is to be replaced).

NOTE: If the entire water pump housing is to be replaced the following will also be needed:
- O-ring (seals water pump hosing to block).
- Water pump housing to block bolts (these are "stretch" type bolts and should never be reused).

- RTV sealant (for sealing water pump gasket, do not apply to O-ring).

NOTE: Use only non-volatile oxygen sensor safe RTV sealant. This should be clearly indicated on the package.

- Engine Coolant Capacity: Capacity Specifications

NOTE: For optimum performance, use 50/50 mixture of high quality ethylene glycol coolant and water.

- Radiator hoses.
- Drive belts.