Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Technician Safety Information

Safety Precautions When Working On The Fuel Supply System

Fire hazard. Do NOT smoke or have anything in the area that can ignite Diesel fuel

When removing and installing the fuel gauge sensor from a full or partly filled fuel tank, observe the following:

- Fuel supply lines are underpressure!
- Before removing hose connections wrap a cloth around the connection. Then release pressure by carefully pulling hose off connection.

- Before starting repairs, switch on an exhaust extraction system and place an extraction hose close to the sensor opening in the fuel tank to extract escaping Diesel fuel fumes. If no exhaust extraction system is available, a radial fan (as long as fan motor is not in air flow) with a displacement greater than 15 cubic m/h can be used.
- Avoid fuel contact with bare skin! Wear fuel-resistant gloves!