Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Wiper and Washer Systems: Service and Repair

Windshield Wiper System Removing And Installing

Wiper arms, removing

- Wiper arms and cowl panel must be removed prior to removal of wiper assembly (wiper motor, frame and linkage).
- Before removing wiper arms, check that the wiper motor is in park position. Only then can the wiper arm end position be correctly set when installing.

- Pry-off caps -arrows- with a screwdriver.

- Loosen hex nuts -arrows- (do not remove).
- Move wiper arms lightly until they release.
- Remove hex nut completely and remove wiper arms.

Cowl panel, removing

NOTE: Cowl panel is clipped into a guide rail below windshield.

- Pull out rubber seal -1- and unscrew bolts -2-.

NOTE: As of model year 1999, bolts -2- are no longer used, cowl is simply clipped o.

- Remove pollen filter cover.

- Unclip inner fender trim -arrows- on both sides.
- Carefully press cowl panel out upward.

Cowl panel, installing
Install in reverse order of removal.


- Ends of cowl panel must be inserted under cowl panel rubber strip on A pillar -arrow-

Wiper assembly, removing

- Disconnect electrical connection to wiper motor.
- Remove hex bolts -arrows- and washers.
- Remove complete wiper assembly.

Wiper motor, removing from frame

- Lever both linkages -1- from crank using a large screwdriver.
- Remove hex nut -2-.
- Remove crank.
- Remove three mounting bolts -3-.
- Remove motor from frame.

Wiper motor, installing in frame
- Ensure wiper motor is in park position by briefly connecting electrical connection to wiper motor, and operating wiper switch.
- Disconnect electrical connection, insert wiper motor into frame and tighten three mounting bolts.

Tightening torque: 8 Nm

- Install crank onto wiper motor shaft, aligning the linkages so that they are in-line as illustrated.

- Tighten crank hex nut -2-.

Tightening torque: 20 Nm

- Press linkages -1- onto crank.