A/T - Fluid Residue On Pan And Pan Bolts
37 10 02October 25, 2010
Vehicle Information
Automatic Transmission Fluid Residue on Oil Pan and or Oil Pan Bolts
Trace amount of transmission fluid on transmission oil pan or pan bolts 1 2, 3 or 6, see figure 1.
Technical Background
The transmission assembly is rotated during the manufacturing process, between the function check (manufacturer) and the oil pan installation. Residual oil enters the bolt holes for the oil pan. Affected transmissions (gearbox number 08E2H30746 - 09M2H32676).
Affected production period:
From 08E = May 2008
including 08F, G, H, J, K, L, M, ......
to 09M = December 2009
Production Solution
Automatic cleaning time extended during manufacturing.
If both position of bolts and transmission number match, remove oil residue from oil pan and bolts.
Information only.
Required Parts and Tools
No special parts required.
No special tools required.
Additional Information
All part and service references provided in this Technical Bulletin are subject to change and/or removal. Always check with your Parts Dept. and Repair Manuals for the latest information.