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Air Flow, Time Check, Vacuum

- Battery voltage should be 12V when carrying out test.
- Vacuum should be at least 35kPa (4.9 psi). If necessary use a separate vacuum pump.
- Air release points are indicated by arrows.
- The water valve is closed when Cool is selected.

Checking Air Distribution In Different Modes.

Water valve closed regardless of temperature selected. Recirculation and AC compressor engaged. Air from panel vents.

Compressor engaged. No recirculation. Air from panel vents.

Bi-Level (B/L):
Air from panel and floor vents. Small amount of air from defroster vents. Compressor engaged.

Air from panel vents. Compressor disengaged.

Air from floor vents. Small amount of air from defroster vents. Compressor disengaged.

Floor/Defrost (F/D):
Air from floor and defroster vents. Compressor disengaged.

Air from defroster vents. Small amount of air from floor vents. Compressor engaged.

Operating Settings.
1 - Shutter will assume mid-position (F/D) if not supplied with vacuum.
2 - Direct connection between ports 7 and 8 is used only in MAX setting. Connection between 3 and 7 is then sealed.
3 - When temperature control is approx. 10 mm from max. COOL or to right of it, air is admitted to port 1 of water valve vacuum switch and valve is open since it is not supplied with vacuum.
With function selector at MAX and temperature selector set to "HOT", port 3 is sealed and vacuum is supplied directly from 8 to 7. The water valve is closed to obtain cooling even if the temperature control is not set to "COOL".