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Delayed Engagement

Delayed engagement and/or loss of propulsion after driving approx. 100 meters after starting from cold is usually due to low transmission fluid level. If the problem persists even when the level is correct and the transmission is cold, the upper front valve body in the control system must be replaced. Refer to "Upper Front Valve Body AW70/71 Replacement". Service and Repair

The new valve body is equipped with a valve which vents air in the system to the gearbox housing rather than to the pump.

The illustrations which accompany the description in "Upper Front Valve Body AW70/71 Replacement" show control systems with and without lock-up. The method is applicable to both types.

Component P/N

Upper front valve body 1 340 084-1
Ball valve 1 340 085-8
Gasket set 274 029-8