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Differential Cover: Service and Repair


Remove Inspection cover
- Drain oil.
- Remove cover and clean oft remains of old gasket.

If replacing cover, 0-ring or Inductive pick-up:
- Remove pick-up.
- Retain spacers.
- Remove 0-ring.

Install inspection cover
- Grease joint face.
- Install gasket and cover.
- Tighten to 20 - 30 Nm (15-22 ft.lb).
- Fill with oil of correct specification.

If replacing cover, 0-ring or Inductive pick-up:
- Grease and install 0-ring and shim(s).
- Check clearance by inserting feeler gauge through level plug opening. Adjust using shim(s).
- Some adjustment is also possible by moving cover up or down.

- Permissible clearance: 0.85 ± 0.35 mm (0.0335 ± 0.0138 in) measured over full revolution.

The following shims are available:
- Thickness - 1.5 mm (0.0591 in) - P/N 1209277-1
- Thickness - 2.5 mm (0.0984 in) - P/N 1209287-0