Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Step C1

Check signal leads from doors and trunk

- Ignition off.
- Remove the alarm control module (item C/F)

- Close all doors, the hood and the trunk.

Measurement A:

- First connect an ohmmeter between ground and the alarm relay base item T.

Measurement B:
- Then connect the ohmmeter between ground and the alarm relay base item RH.
The ohmmeter should show approx. 0 ohms in both readings.

If both readings are correct:
- Continue with step C2. Step C2

If there is a deviation in reading A:
- Proceed with fault tracing as per No Alarm When Door is Opened. No Alarm When Door Is Opened

If there is a deviation in reading B:
- Proceed with fault tracing as per No Alarm on Trunk. No Alarm on Trunk Lid