Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Checking Cables To CD-ROM Player

Checking cables to CD-ROM player

Checking cables
Check the cable between the control module #A7 and CD-ROM player terminal 14 for a short-circuit to supply voltage according to Checking wiring and terminals. Permanent fault Checking Wiring and Terminals. Permanent Fault.
Check the cable between the control module #A20 and CD-ROM player terminal 6 for a short-circuit to supply voltage according to Checking wiring and terminals. Permanent fault Checking Wiring and Terminals. Permanent Fault.
Remedy as necessary.

Other information:
- To access/replace the control module, see Replacing the control module, old system Replacing the Control Module, Old System.
- To access/replace the CD-ROM player, see Replacing, CD-ROM player Service and Repair.
- For connecting breakout box, see Connecting the breakout box Connecting the Breakout Box.

Were any faults found in the cables?


No - No Fault Found
