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Fault-Tracing Information

Fault-tracing information


The problem occurs when the car is driven beside a wall, in a garage or through a tunnel. It applies to earlier 850 and S/V70 models. For naturally aspirated engines up to and including model year 99, turbocharged engines and diesel engines up to and including model year 98. On later car models remedy the problem using a twin-mass flywheel.
The sound can easily be confused with tire or wind noise. Remember that 205 tires make more noise than 195 tires and that the road surface is important when correctly judging transmission rattle. Test drive the car on a dry, flat road with as little traffic on it as possible. The rattle does not normally occur in a transmission where the temperature is below +30°C.

Possible source
- Incorrect level or type of transmission fluid
- Poor sound insulation around the steering column lead-in on the firewall.

Fault symptom[s]
- Rattling in the transmission when driving alongside a wall, in a garage or through a tunnel
- Rattling in the transmission when accelerating in first, second or third gears
- The customer complains about wind noise from the tires.