Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Airbag Safety Precautions

Airbag Safety Precautions

Testing, removing, installing and repair work may only be performed by qualified personnel.

Before handling airbag units (e.g. disconnecting electrical harness connector), the person handling must electrostatically discharge himself/herself. This can be done by touching door striker, for example.

Do not check with test light, voltmeter or ohmmeter under any circumstances.

The airbag system can only be checked when installed and with vehicle diagnostic, testing and information systems (such as Vehicle Diagnosis, Testing and Information System (VAS 5051B)) intended for that purpose.

Current supply must be disconnected before any work is performed on airbag system.

Conventional ignition lock:Follow measures for disconnecting battery

Electronic ignition lock (e.g. A6 from MY 2005; A8 from MY 2003): To remove airbag, battery must be disconnected with the ignition switched on.

Disconnect battery ground strap/cable, cover negative terminal. No waiting time is necessary after disconnecting battery.

No one should be in vehicle when connecting battery.

Airbag units should be installed immediately upon removal from shipping package.

Airbag unit is to be returned to shipping package when there is an interruption in work.

It is not acceptable to leave airbag unit unattended.

Airbag units which have been removed should be stored so that padded side is facing up.

Do not open or repair airbag components. Use new parts only.

Airbag units that have fallen onto a hard surface or show signs of damage must not be installed in vehicle.

Wash hands after touching components from deployed airbags.

Storage and transport must conform to national legislation.

Replacing airbag units

When replacing airbag units, following sequence must be followed exactly:

1. Remove old airbag unit and lay down with upholstered side facing up. Note exception for side curtain airbag.

2. Remove new airbag unit from shipping container and lay with upholstered side up. Note exception for side curtain airbag.

3. Place old airbag unit in shipping container immediately.

4. Install new airbag unit in vehicle.

There is no change interval for airbag units.

Do not treat airbag units with grease, cleaning solutions or anything similar.

Airbag units must not be exposed to temperatures over 212° F (100° C), even for a short time.

In case of any contaminant that penetrates fabric, such as oil, grease, paint, color or solvent, module must be replaced.

Additional Side Airbag Safety Precautions

We recommend using original equipment seat covers.

Seat covers or extra covers that are not approved specially for use on Audi seats with side airbags must not be used.

Do not cut backrest material in side airbag region.

When installing, seam in side airbag region must run straight.

All upholstery clips must be replaced (metal and plastic clips).

We recommend using original upholstery clips.

When installing, all upholstery clips must be placed in same places as when removed.

If cover is damaged (with rips, burned holes, etc.) in side airbag region, it must be replaced for safety reasons so that airbag deploys correctly.

Do not make repairs to backrest cover in side airbag region (due to special materials and strictly defined seams).

After side airbag deploys, backrest upholstery must be replaced.

After an accident, all damaged parts must be replaced. If there is no damaged detected to airbag unit, unit can still be used.

If side airbag units are replaced, new side airbag number sticker should be removed and placed over old sticker on seat pan.

Do not poke cover with upholstery needle or other sharp objects in airbag and sensor mat region.

Additional Side Curtain Airbag Safety Precautions

Visually check trim for damage before installing.

Do not make any repairs to trim (upper A-pillar trim, upper B-pillar trim, upper C-pillar trim, D-pillar trim).

Ensure secure trim seating when installing.

Side curtain airbag module must only be kinked in place designed for this purpose (transition from roof to A-pillar).

Replace entire module when making repairs behind side curtain airbag.

Place removed airbag modules in shipping containers or on a clean, level surface (under a cover or in luggage compartment).

After servicing body in vicinity of side curtain airbag, check body for welding beads, deformations and chafe marks (compare with opposite side of vehicle if necessary).

Always hold side curtain airbag module securely.

Always fold up removed side curtain airbag modules and grasp on gas generator (toggle direction electrical connector).

Always keep one hand on gas generator.

Never rotate, coil, knot, throw, slide, push, hang, squeeze, press, pinch or clamp side curtain airbag module.

Additional Passenger Occupant Detection Sensor Safety Precautions

A re-zero procedure must be performed on the passenger occupant detection system control module each time the front passenger seat and/or backrest cover is disengaged.

Do not bend the passenger occupant detection system mat.

A leaking mat must be replaced (service kit).

Do not bend the passenger occupant detection system pressure hose.

Make sure components of passenger occupant detection system do not fall onto hard surfaces, do not come into contact with grease and do not risk damage by resting against sharp objects.

The mat, the crease and various covers must be fitted to be free of folds.

When installing, make sure seat cushion and seat cover are positioned correctly.

Replace the various upholstery clamps and clips and verify their correct positioning on seat.

Basic setting of the system is only possible between temperatures of 32° and 104° F (0°C and +40°C).

Make sure that no objects are placed on seat when performing basic setting.

Using additional seat cushions such as pillows impairs the function of the passenger occupant detection system and the air bag system.

Passenger Occupant Detection System, Measures Required after an Accident

A re-zero procedure must be performed on the passenger occupant detection system control module each time the front passenger airbag and/or belt tensioner deploys.

If seat rails and/or seat pan is replaced due to deformations resulting from a crash, the passenger occupant detection system must be replaced using the the passenger occupant detection system service kit. Then, basic setting as well as a RE-ZERO procedure must be performed on the passenger occupant detection system control module.