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Transmission Position Sensor/Switch: Service and Repair

Tiptronic Switch

The Tiptronic Switch (F189) is a component of the circuit board.

The Tiptronic Switch (F189) solenoid is secured on the cover strip.


- Remove selector lever handle => [ Selector Lever Handle ] Selector Lever Handle.

- Remove cover for shift mechanism => [ Selector Mechanism Cover ] Selector Mechanism Cover.

- Press frame - B - together at center area - arrows - as remove cover molding - A - at the same time.

- Carefully pry out retaining tabs - arrows A - and - arrows B - (retaining tabs are covered).

- Remove guide and cover strip with Tiptronic Switch (F189) from frame.

The circuit board - 1 - can only be replaced together with the frame.

The Tiptronic Switch (F189) solenoid can only be replaced together with the cover strip.

If the retaining tabs are damaged, the guide must be replaced.


Install in reverse sequence; note the following points:

- Install cover for shift mechanism => [ Selector Mechanism Cover ] Selector Mechanism Cover.

- Install front ashtray.

- Install selector lever handle => [ Selector Lever Handle ] Selector Lever Handle.