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Heating System Electrical Components

Heating System Electrical Components

The electrical components for the heating system are identical to the electrical components for the A/C system. The electrical test for the various heater components is done in the same way as the test for these components in the A/C system. Refer to => [ Checking Electrical Components ] Checking Electrical Components and Vehicle diagnosis, testing and information system (VAS5051B) in the "Guided Fault Finding" function.

On vehicles with no A/C, only a heater, various components that are required for control on vehicles with A/C are not installed ( A/C Compressor Regulator Valve (N280) , Right Temperature Door Motor (V159) , Interior Temperature Sensor Fan (V42) etc.). Refer to Vehicle diagnosis, testing and information system (VAS5051B) in the "Guided Fault Finding" function and.

The function "electrical testing" is not described in this Repair Manual. Perform the electronic test with "Guided Fault Finding". This also contains information on the functions that should be tested. Refer to Vehicle diagnosis, testing and information system (VAS5051B) in the "Guided Fault Finding" function.