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Front Passenger Side Airbag, Servicing

Front Passenger Side Airbag Unit Assembly Overview

1 Airbag unit support

Bolted with central tube

2 Airbag unit guide

Secured on instrument panel

Cannot be replaced separately

3 Right airbag unit bracket

Removing and Installing, refer to => [ Front Passenger Airbag Unit Bracket ] Front Passenger Airbag Unit Bracket

4 Bolt


7 Nm

5 Airbag unit

Follow all safety precautions when working on pyrotechnic components. Refer to => [ Restraint System Components, Safety Precautions and Testing Procedures ] Service Precautions.

Follow the allocation of the airbag unit to the instrument panel. Refer to => Electronic parts catalog.

Removing and Installing, refer to => [ Front Passenger Airbag Unit ] Front Passenger Airbag Unit

6 Nut


7 Nm

7 Left airbag unit bracket

Removing and Installing, refer to => [ Front Passenger Airbag Unit Bracket ] Front Passenger Airbag Unit Bracket