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Battery, Preparing for Support Mode

Battery, Preparing for Support Mode


Before the battery charger can be connected, the following preparations are necessary:

- Turn off the ignition and all electrical consumers.

Vehicles without a positive terminal grip in engine compartment

- Remove luggage compartment floor cover.

- Release clips - arrows - and remove cover from negative terminal.

If the battery negative terminal cover is under the rear lid trim, trim must be removed.

- Connect battery charger red charging clamp "+" to terminal clamp "+" - item 1 - and black charging clamp "-" to terminal clamp "-" - item 2 -.

Vehicles with a positive terminal grip in engine compartment

- Open the cover - 1 - over the positive terminal clamp - arrow -.

- Connect the red clamp "+" - 1 - to the positive terminal - 2 - and the black clamp "-" - item 4 - to negative terminal - 5 -.

All Vehicles

- Connect battery charger electrical system connector and switch charger on.