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S3 - Power to MAP/BARO Sensor Test

NOTE: Green light on tester indicates VREF is OK. Red light (or no light) indicates VREF is either too low or too high.

- Key "OFF".

- Disconnect the Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) / Barometric Pressure (BARO) sensor from the vehicle harness

Testing Schematic:

- Connect the MAP/BARO tester between the vehicle harness and the MAP/BARO sensor.

- Insert MAP/BARO tester banana plugs into Digital Volt/Ohm Meter (DVOM).

- Key "ON", engine "OFF".

- Is green light on?

Yes -- Go to S4. S4 - MAP/BARO Tester Output Reading

No -- Service open VREF circuit. Remove MAP/BARO tester. Reconnect MAP/BARO. Re-evaluate symptom.