Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Component Tests and General Diagnostics

The safety belt and retractor assembly must be freely operational for extraction and retraction of the safety belt webbing between full extension and in vehicle stowed position.

1. Fasten the safety belts and proceed to a safe area.

NOTE: If the RH or the rear safety belts are to be tested, a passenger must be used.

2. Attain a speed of 8 km/h (5 mph).

3. Test the safety belts.
1 Grasp the shoulder harness and prepare to lean forward.
2 Make maximum brake application without a skid.

WARNING: The driver and passenger must be prepared to brace themselves if the retractor does not lock.

3 Lean forward slightly when the brake application is made.

NOTE: Do not jerk on the safety belt webbing when carrying-out this test.

4. The safety belts should lock up with minimum webbing extension.
5. If there is a lockup of both shoulder straps, the safety belt assemblies are functioning properly. Should either or both retractors fail to lock up at the 8 km/h (5 mph) speed, repeat the test at a constant 24 km/h (15mph) speed. (This test must be carried-out with a RH front or rear passenger if the RH front or rear outboard safety belts are to be tested).

6. If either or both shoulder belts do not lock up at the 24km/h (15 mph) test, return the vehicle for repair of the safety belts.

NOTE: If either or both of the shoulder belts do not lock up during the 8 km/h (5 mph) test, the sheet metal in the retractor's mounting surface may need to be returned to its original shape and structural integrity.