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5 Speed Automatic 09A

Control Module Pin Out Values

Transmission Electrical Check

Special tools and equipment

- V.A.G 1526A multimeter
- V.A.G 1594A Adapter set
- V.A.G 1598/18 Test box

Test requirements:
- Battery voltage in order.
- Vehicle voltage supply in order.
- Fuses in main fuse box OK.
- Fuses 7,11,13, 15 and 31 OK.
- Check Ground connections for transmission:

The transmission control module (arrow) is located in the plenum chamber.

- Check Ground connections for corrosion and poor contact; repair if necessary.
Ground connection point is located under battery.
- Check battery Ground strap and Ground strap between battery and transmission.
- Switch ignition off, release multi-pin connector and disconnect control module.

- Connect test box V.A.G 1598/18 to multi-pin connector (1) and lock in direction of arrow (2).
Using the test box V.A.G 1598/18 the wiring can be checked according to the wiring diagram.

- Before connecting test leads the correct measuring range on the tester must be adjusted. Otherwise the electronic components can be destroyed!
- Use the multimeter V.A.G 1526 with auxiliary cables from V.A.G 1594 for testing.
- The specified values are valid for an ambient temperature from 0 °C to 40 °C.
- If the readings obtained differ from the specified values, determine what is faulty on the basis of the wiring diagram.
- If the readings obtained differ only slightly from the specified values, clean sockets and connectors of the testers and test leads and repeat test. Before replacing the particular components, test wiring and connections and, particularly if specified values are below 10 Ohms, repeat resistance measurement on component.

Socket assignment on control module connector

Electrical Check For Vehicles With Automatic Transmission 09A

Multi-pin control module connector (68-pin connector) -J217- (sockets on V.A.G 1598/18)

1 - Ground (terminal 31)
2 - Vacant
3 - Vacant
4 - Vacant
5 - K-lead of diagnosis
6 - Shift lock solenoid -N110-
7 - Intermediate shaft speed sensor -G265- (screening)
8 - Vacant
9 - Sensor for transmission RPM -G182-
10 - Sensor for transmission RPM -G182-
11 - Sensor for transmission RPM -G182- (screening)
12 - Vacant
13 - Vacant
14 - Vacant
15 - Data bus high input and output signals
16 - Data bus low input and output signals
17 - Brake pressure switch (only on vehicles with stationary decoupling)
18 - Multi-function transmission range switch -F125-
19 - Multi-function transmission range switch -F125-
20 - Vacant (for kickdown switch)
21 -
22 - Supply voltage (terminal 30)
23 - Vacant
24 - Ground (terminal 31)
25 - Solenoid valve 4 -N91-
26 - Solenoid valve 3 -N90-
27 - Vacant
28 - Intermediate shaft speed sensor -G265-
29 - Intermediate shaft speed sensor -G265-
30 - Vacant (for A/C kickdown)
31 - Vacant
32 - Vacant
33 - Transmission fluid temperature sensor -G93- (ATF)
34 - Transmission fluid temperature sensor -G93- (ATF)
35 - Vehicle speed sensor -G68-
36 - Vehicle speed sensor -G68-
37 - Vehicle speed sensor -G68- (screening)
38 - Vacant
39 - Vacant
40 - Multi-function transmission range switch -F125-
41 - Multi-function transmission range switch -F125-
42 - Vacant
43 - Vacant
44 - Vacant
45 - Supply voltage (terminal 15)
46 - Solenoid valve 8 -N281-
47 - Vacant
48 - Solenoid valve 1 -N88-
49 - Solenoid valve 2 -N89-
50 - Solenoid valve 5 -N92-
51 - Solenoid valve 9 -N282-
52 - Vacant
53 - Vacant
54 - Park/neutral signal to Park/Neutral position (PNP) relay -J226-
55 - Vacant
56 - Vacant
57 - Vacant
58 - Vacant
59 - Vacant
60 - Gate switch for Tiptronic gate
61 - Tiptronic change up
62 - Tiptronic change down
63 - Road speed (engine output)
64 - Ground return wire (to valve diagnosis)
65 - Vacant
66 - Solenoid valve 6 supply voltage -N93-
67 - Vacant
68 - Supply voltage (terminal 15)

Test table

Test Step 1:

Test Step 2 - 3:

Test Step 4
OE did not furnish a "Test Step 4".

Test Step 5 - 6:

Test Step 7 - 15:

Test Step 16 - 17:

After electrical checks:

- Fit multi-pin connector onto control module - J217- pins -1- then lock multi-pin connector -2-.

NOTE: When fitting connector ensure that the guides are engaged on the control module pins.