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Leak Tracing, Fluorescent Tracing Agent / UV Lamp

Leak tracing, fluorescent tracing agent / UV lamp

Filling and leak tracing the climate control system using fluorescent tracing agent and a UV lamp.

Note! The coloring agent may discolor the car paint work. Therefore extreme caution must be taken when handling the tracing agent.

Note! Carefully follow the manufacturers instructions when handling the UV lamp and the tracing agent.

Note! After filling with the tracing agent, the decal supplied by the manufacturer / supplier must be applied at the point indicated.

Note! When leak tracing, always use the protective goggles supplied with the equipment. The goggles make the color more visible.

Leak tracing with a UV lamp
For information about filling with fluorescent tracing agent, see Filling with fluorescent tracing agent with the refrigerant Filling With Fluorescent Tracing Agent with the Refrigerant.

- Connect the UV lamp. See the instructions
- Leak trace using the UV lamp
- The fluorescent tracing agent is green when leak tracing with a UV lamp.

Note! This light green color may be mistaken for leaked or spilled coolant which Volvo uses in its products.

The method for leak tracing using fluorescent tracing agent is the same for both factory filled and aftermarket filled climate control systems.