Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Component Tests and General Diagnostics

Fault-Tracing and Testing the Battery

NOTE: As the illustrations in this service information are used for different model years and/or models, some variation may occur. However, the essential information in the illustrations is always correct.

- Oxyhydrogen is formed when batteries are being charged. Oxyhydrogen is extremely explosive. Smoking, welding, grinding and naked flames in the vicinity of the battery may result in the battery exploding causing personal injury and damage to the car. Only charge the battery in a well ventilated area. Ensure that ventilation is good.
- Watch out for acid splash. The battery contains sulfuric acid which can cause serious corrosive damage. If the electrolyte comes into contact with your eyes, skin or clothes - flush using large quantities of water. Contact a doctor immediately if acid splashes into eyes. Use protective goggles when handling batteries.

Cleaning and checking batteries externally

- Remove the battery from the car. Always disconnect the negative terminal first to prevent sparking
- Check that the battery is clean. Dirt can cause leakage currents between the battery posts
- Wash the battery using water. A mild cleaning agent can be used if necessary. Ensure that no dirt or water penetrates any of the cells
- Wipe clean and dry.

External checks

- Check the battery for signs of the following damage and remedy as necessary:
- Dirty or loose posts
- The battery is not secure and is loose in the engine compartment or cargo compartment
- Worn, oxidized or damaged battery leads.

- Discard the battery if any of the following faults are found:
- Cracked container
- Leakage
- Bent, loose or damaged terminals
- Battery damaged by freezing.

- Reinstall the battery in the car after checking it. Connect the positive terminal first
- Check that the battery is secure in the engine compartment or cargo compartment.

WARNING: The battery can develop oxyhydrogen, which is highly explosive. Ensure that any evacuation hose (the hose which evacuates oxyhydrogen from the cargo compartment) is correctly connected to the battery and that the hose leads downwards to the dedicated outlet in the bodywork.

Checking the electrolyte level
Check the electrolyte level. Top up the electrolyte if necessary.

Testing the battery

Choosing the test method
Select the method to be used to test the battery:

NOTE: There is now a new version of Volvo Battery Analyzer, Volvo Battery Analyzer 3200. The main difference between the 3100 and the new 3200 is that it is possible to print via an IR port on the 3200.

North America:
Testing with Volvo Battery Analyzer 3100/3200

NOTE: North American dealers must always use Volvo Battery Analyzer 3100/3200.

Other markets:
- Testing with Volvo Battery Analyzer 3100/3200
- Alternative test method

Volvo recommends that the battery is tested with the Volvo Battery Analyzer 3100/3200.

Testing with Volvo Battery Analyzer 3100/3200

Volvo Battery Analyzer 3100/3200 is used to test batteries as follows
Volvo Battery Analyzer 3100/3200 is used to test the battery. The following is a description of how the tool is used and the text shown in the display.

Setting the language
Set the language according to the instructions on the separate instruction card. English must be selected for markets where the relevant language cannot be selected for Volvo Battery Analyzer 3100/3200.

The display when testing batteries
- Connect the tool cables directly to the battery.
- The start window is displayed for 3 seconds :

VOLVO 3100/3200

NOTE: The test tool must always be connected directly to the battery posts or to the cable terminals on the battery leads. The resistance of the battery leads may affect the readings and provide incorrect results if the tool is connected anywhere other than in the engine compartment.

Scroll to select whether the test will take place inside or outside the vehicle (see the instruction card). Outside the car means that the battery is not connected to the vehicle's electrical system. Then press ENTER (see the instruction card).

NOTE: It is important that the correct test mode is selected (inside or outside the vehicle) to obtain accurate results.

SELECT TEST up-arrow down-arrow
SELECT TEST up-arrow down-arrow

Then select whether the battery to be tested is a genuine Volvo battery or another make.

BATTERY TYPE up-arrow down-arrow
BATTERY TYPE up-arrow down-arrow

Establish the test standard by checking the markings on the battery. CCA/SAE and DIN tests use different standards. Select the test standard. Press ENTER.

- North American dealers must always select the CCA test.
- It is essential that the battery markings are read correctly (i.e. whether the cold cranking amperes is listed according to the CCA/SAE or DIN standard. This is listed on the label on the battery.

SELECT MODE up-arrow down-arrow
SELECT MODE up-arrow down-arrow
BY DIN (A)<-

Scroll to the relevant value for the cold cranking amperes (cold cranking amperes according to CCA/SAE or DIN - listed on the battery). Press ENTER:

SELECT RATING up-arrow down-arrow
500 A <-

NOTE: The following display applies only to North America.

SELECT RATING up-arrow down-arrow
500 CCA <-

The instrument now analyzes the battery and one of the following is displayed:

*** TESTING ***
500 A (SAE)

*** TESTING ***
500 A (DIN)

When the analysis is complete, the instrument will display one of the following results:

xxxx V

xxxx V

xxxx V

xxxx V

xxxx V

NOTE: The text describes the condition of the battery.

The voltage displayed is an indication of the charge status of the battery.

After displaying the above result, the test instrument will shift between this result and the charge status. The state of charge (%) is displayed in intervals of 25%.

NOTE: The window for the state of charge is only displayed when testing VOLVO batteries.

- If GOOD BATTERY is displayed, the following text for the state of charge will be shown:
- STATE OF CHARGE: 75 - 100%

- If GOOD RECHARGE or CHARGE & RETEST is displayed, one of the following alternatives for the state of charge will be shown in the display:
- STATE OF CHARGE: 0 - 25%
- STATE OF CHARGE: 25 - 50%
- STATE OF CHARGE: 50 - 75%

- means that the battery must be recharged and then tested again. The battery must be discarded if the same result is obtained.


- is displayed, the following text for the state of charge will be shown:

- REPLACE BATTERY means that the battery must be discarded.

Additional functions of the Volvo Battery Analyzer 3100/3200

Test code
The INFORMATION (i) button (see the instruction card) can be pressed at any time when reading off the test results or state of charge to read off the test code. Press INFORMATION again to return to test results or state of charge. The test code is used when making warranty claims.


NOTE: The test code is only accessible when testing genuine VOLVO batteries.

If the INFORMATION button is pressed after testing a battery other than a VOLVO original battery, the following message is displayed:


Charging code
The ENTER button (see the instruction card) can be pressed at any time when reading off test results or the state of charge to obtain the charging code. Press ENTER again to return to the test results or state of charge.


NOTE: This function is not used at present.

Eliminating surface charging
When testing in the car is selected and the tester detects surface charge, a message will be displayed requesting that the headlamps are switched on to remove the surface charge. For an explanation of surface charging.






After the tester has detected that the surface charge has gone, it will automatically carry out the test and display the results as described previously.

500 A (SAE)

500 A (DIN)

If the surface charge is not removed correctly, a warning window will be displayed, followed by a message. These two windows will be displayed for 3 seconds each, followed by an appropriate remedy as in windows 2 and 4 above.




If this sequence is repeated for more than 30 seconds , the following window will be displayed. The tester must then be disconnected from the battery, reconnected and the test started from the beginning again.


Testing before or after charging
To obtain a more exact test result, the tester will ask if it is testing before or after charging. Select the correct alternative. Then press the ENTER button (see the instruction card).

SELECT MODE up-arrow down-arrow

SELECT MODE up-arrow down-arrow

Detecting system noise
If the tester detects system noise from the control modules, ignition system or another consumer the following message will be displayed. Switch off as many power consuming components as possible. The tester will retest automatically.


500 A (SAE)

500 A (DIN)

Temperature compensation
If the tester determines that the battery temperature may affect the test result, the following message is displayed. Check the temperature of the battery. Then select above or below 0 degree C (32 degree F) . Then press ENTER (see the instruction card) to continue the test.

In cold conditions, measure the temperature of the battery container.

BATTERY TEMP. up-arrow down-arrow
ABOVE 0 degree C <-

BATTERY TEMP. up-arrow down-arrow
BELOW 0 degree C <-

The retest window will be displayed and then the test result.

500 A (SAE)

500 A (DIN)

Protection against 24 volt systems
If for any reason an attempt is made to test a battery other than a 12 volt battery, or if an attempt is made to test both the 12 volt batteries in a 24 volt system at the same time, the following warning window will be displayed:


Message to check the connections
If a good connection to the battery is not obtained, the following message will be displayed. If this is the case, check the connections by working the cable terminals on the test tool forwards and backwards.


Alternative test method

NOTE: This method does not apply to North American dealers.

North American dealers must always follow the Volvo Battery Analyzer 3100/3200 test method.

Follow the steps:
1. Checking the density of the acid
- The density of the acid can be measured using an electrolyte gauge or a refractometer on the battery at room temperature.
- Measure the density in all the cells. Check the following:
- If the density is above 1.225 g/cu.cm in each cell and the difference in density between the cells is less than 0.03 g/cu.cm , the battery must be tested for load. See point 4, Load check
- If the density is below 1.225 g/cu.cm in each cell and the difference in density between the cells is less than 0.03 g/cu.cm , the battery must be charged.
- If the density in two adjacent cells is considerably lower than in other cell (i.e. if the difference is greater than 0.03 g/cu.cm , there is probably leakage between the two cells. Discard the battery
- If the density is markedly lower in only one cell, the fault is probably a short-circuit. Check the battery acid for discoloration. Discard the battery.

2. Checking the stand-by voltage
- Check the stand-by voltage as follows:
- Disconnect the cable from the battery negative terminal
- Leave the battery disconnected for at least 2 hours
- Measure the standby voltage using a digital multimeter. The battery must be recharged immediately if the stand-by voltage is lower than 12.45 V . For information about charging.
- If the car has not been delivered to a customer update the Battery Maintenance Card, see the illustration
- Connect the battery negative terminal.

3. Charging

- If the battery is not charged, it must be charged according to Charging batteries.
- Check that the battery takes the charge.
- If the charge is OK, the battery must be load tested. See point 4 below, Load check
- The battery may be sulfated if it does not charge. Sulfating means that the battery is damaged due to insufficient charge. Discard the battery.

4. Load check
- During a load test, the load current must rise to at least 3 times the battery capacity in amperes (A).
- For example: A battery with a capacity of 60 Ah must be loaded with a current of 180 A (= 3 x 60) .
- Read off the battery voltage after approximately 15 seconds . The voltage must then be 9.6 V . If this voltage is not reached there may be an open circuit or a short circuit in the battery.
- An open-circuit can be identified, for example, by the voltage dropping rapidly towards 0 V
- when the battery is loaded, or if the voltmeter does not give a reading when connected to the battery. Discard the battery if there is an open-circuit
- A short-circuit is most often evident under load when the short-circuited cell or cells begin to boil. Discard the battery if there is an short circuit.

5. Self discharge
- If the battery has been checked according to points 1-4 above, but is not showing signs of the above faults, set the battery to self discharge to check that the self-discharge is normal.
- If the battery self discharges abnormally and does not retain a charge for more than a couple of days, this may be a sign of a potential short-circuit. Discard the battery.

Print, view or export the most recent test result (only Volvo Battery Analyzer 3200)
1. Press the PRINT key. Hold the key down until the display shows
2. Choose between "Print", "View" or Export and confirm your choice
3. If you choose to print, you must first ensure that the printer is switched on and correctly positioned with the Volvo Battery Analyzer 3200
4. If you choose to export, you must first ensure that the printer is switched on and correctly positioned in relation to Volvo Battery Analyzer 3200.

Setting adapted print-outs (only Volvo Battery Analyzer 3200)
- The print-out can be adapted to include the company name, address and telephone number.

NOTE: Volvo Battery Analyzer 3200 must not be connected to the car battery.

- Press the PRINT key and hold it down until the display appears.
- Use the arrow keys to scroll down to Setting user address. Press the ENTER button.
- Use the arrow keys to move to the required character or letter.
- Press the ENTER key to confirm your choice. Then proceed until all information has been entered.
- The maximum number of rows is 6.