Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Checking Cables and Connectors

Checking Cables And Connectors

- Ignition off.

Check passenger compartment fuse 10.

Disconnect both ultrasonic sensor connectors.

Check connectors for contact resistance and oxidation according to Checking wiring and terminals - Permanent faults.

Check the cable between passenger compartment fuse 10 and the ultrasonic sensor connector #6 for an open-circuit according to Checking wiring and terminals - Permanent faults and for a short-circuit to ground according to Checking wiring terminals - Permanent faults.

Check the cable between the master (left) sensor #2 and the slave (right) sensor #2 for an open-circuit according to Checking wiring and terminals - Permanent faults.

Hint: For information about circuit, see wiring diagram.

Check the cable between the master (left) sensor #1 and the slave (right) sensor #4 for an open-circuit according to Checking wiring and terminals - Permanent faults and for a short-circuit to ground according to Checking wiring terminals - Permanent faults.

Check connector 24/9 #5A for contact resistance and oxidation according to Checking wiring and terminals - Permanent faults.

Connect an ohmmeter between ultra sonic sensor connector #7 and ground. Measure for an open-circuit according to Checking wiring and terminals - Permanent faults.

Checking Wiring and Terminals - Permanent Faults

Remedy as necessary.

Was a fault found?

Yes - Verification

No - Checking Wiring