Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Checking the Voltage Before the Fuse

Checking The Voltage Before The Fuse

- Ignition on

Connect a voltmeter between the fuse and the left socket on the fuse holder to fuse 16 and ground.

If the voltage is approximately 12 V, check the cable between the fuse and the control module #35 (#A35) for an open-circuit according to Checking wiring and terminals. Permanent faults.

If the voltage is approximately 0 V, check the cable between the ignition switch terminal 15l and fuse 16 for an open-circuit according to Checking wiring and terminals. Permanent faults.

Was a fault detected?

YES: Refer to Trouble Code Descriptions. Diagnostic Trouble Code Descriptions
NO: Refer to Trouble Code Descriptions. Diagnostic Trouble Code Descriptions