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Connecting VAG 1598

Harness Connectors:

CAUTION: Do not connect the VAG 1598 test box or any of the VAG 1598 adapter cables to the A/C control head while using the VAG1551 scan tool. Additionally, the VAG1598/11 and VAG1598/12 adapters cannot be simultaneously connected to The VAG1598 test box.

- Switch ignition off.
- Remove A/C control head -E87-. Control Assembly
- Connect VAG1598/11 adapter cable between A/C control head connectors -A-, -B- and -C- and wiring harness connectors-A-, -B and -C-.
- Connect VAG1598/12 adapter cable between A/C control head connector -D- and wiring harness connector -D-.
- Connect VAG1598 test box to respective adapter cable for measurement.