Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Backrest Cushion, Separating From Upholstery

Front Seat Cushion and Upholstery, Power Memory Seats

Backrest Cushion, Separating from Upholstery

Observe safety precautions for working on airbags => [ Airbag Safety Precautions ] Airbag Safety Precautions.

1 - Cover


- Open Velcro fasteners - 2 - (Qty. 2).

- Open clamping strips - 3 - (Qty. 2).

- Using the awl (V.A.G 1636A) - 6 -, pry the bracket - 4 - out of the plastic clips - 5 -.

- Remove cover - 1 - from upholstery - 7 -.


- Replaced damaged plastic clips.

- First press retainers of cross braces into plastic clips.

- Install cover in reverse order of removal.

2 - Velcro fasteners (Qty. 2)

3 - Fastening strips (Qty. 2)

4 - Retainer

5 - Plastic clips

6 - Awl (V.A.G 1636A)

7 - Upholstery