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Valvetrain Overview

Valvetrain Overview

Risk of damaging valves and piston heads after working on valvetrain.

The motor must not be started for about 30 minutes after installing camshafts because the hydraulic equalization elements must seat themselves.

To ensure valves do not strike pistons when starting, carefully rotate engine at least 2 full revolutions.

Cylinder heads with cracks between the valve seats, or between the valve seat and the spark plug threads, can continue to be used without reducing the service life, as long as the cracks have a width of max. 0.3 mm, or only the first 4 threads of the spark plug threads are cracked.

The illustration shows the cylinder bank 2 cylinder head (left).

1 Sealing Plug

Install with sealant.

2 Cylinder Head

Check valve guides, refer to => [ Valve Guides, Checking ] Testing and Inspection

3 Valve Stem Seal

Replacing with the cylinder head installed, refer to => [ Valve Stem Seals, Cylinder Head Installed ] Valve Stem Seals, Cylinder Head Installed

Replacing with the cylinder head removed => [ Valve Stem Seals with Cylinder Head Removed ] Valve Stem Seals with Cylinder Head Removed

4 Valve Spring

5 Hydraulic Adjusting Elements

Clipped into roller rocker lever - 8 -

Checking, refer to => [ Hydraulic Adjusting Elements, Checking ] Testing and Inspection

Mark the installed position for installation later

Lubricate the running surfaces before installing

6 Valve Spring Plate

7 Valve Retainers

8 Roller Rocker Lever

Mark the installed position for installation later

Check roller for easy movement

Lubricate the running surfaces before installing

To assemble, clip onto the hydraulic adjusting element - 5 - with securing clip - 9 -

9 Securing Clip

Not available individually

Check for secure seating

10 Intake Camshaft

Removing and installing, refer to => [ Camshafts ] Service and Repair

Measuring axial play, refer to => [ Camshaft, Measuring Axial Play ] Camshaft, Measuring Axial Play

Radial clearance, measuring, refer to => [ Camshaft, Measuring Radial Play ] Camshaft, Measuring Radial Play

Maximum run out: 0.04 mm

11 Bolt


12 Bearing Bracket

With integrated camshaft bearings

Removing and installing, refer to => [ Camshafts ] Service and Repair

13 Compression Ring

14 Compression Ring

15 Exhaust Camshaft

Removing and installing, refer to => [ Camshafts ] Service and Repair

Measuring axial play, refer to => [ Camshaft, Measuring Axial Play ] Camshaft, Measuring Axial Play

Radial clearance, measuring, refer to => [ Camshaft, Measuring Radial Play ] Camshaft, Measuring Radial Play

Maximum run out: 0.04 mm

16 Oil Strainer

17 Intake Valve

Do not reface, only lapping is permitted

Mark the installed position for installation later

Checking, refer to => [ Valves, Checking ] Testing and Inspection

Valve dimensions, refer to => [ Valve Dimensions ] Specifications

Check valve guides, refer to => [ Valve Guides, Checking ] Testing and Inspection

18 Exhaust Valve

Do not reface, only lapping is permitted

Mark the installed position for installation later

Checking, refer to => [ Valves, Checking ] Testing and Inspection

Valve dimensions, refer to => [ Valve Dimensions ] Specifications

Check valve guides, refer to => [ Valve Guides, Checking ] Testing and Inspection

Installed Position of Valve Spring

The tight spring coils - arrow - face toward the cylinder head.

Camshaft Guide Frame Tightening Specifications and Sequence

The guide frame for the left cylinder head camshaft is shown in the illustration. The right cylinder head is identical.

Replace bolts which have been tightened to an additional torque.

- Tighten the bolts in 3 steps according to the tightening sequence: