Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Electrical Precautions

Before disconnecting any control module, make sure the ignition is OFF. Failure to do so could damage the module.

When testing voltage or continuity at any control module, use the terminal side (not the wire end) of the connector. Do not probe a wire through the insulation; this will damage it and eventually cause it to fail because of corrosion.

Be careful when performing electrical tests so as to prevent accidental shorting of terminals. Such mistakes can damage fuses or components. Also, a second code could be set, making diagnosis of the original problem more difficult.

When replacing a blown fuse, it is important to use only a fuse having the correct amperage rating. The use of a fuse with a rating other than indicated may result in a dangerous electrical system overload. If a properly rated fuse continues to blow, it indicates a problem in the circuit that must be corrected.