Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Quick Learn

Two shift quality learn procedures are available for the 42LE:
- Quick Learn
- Scheduled Learn (Road Test)

To provide the best transaxle operation after a repair or TCM replacement, each procedure should be used to help the TCM learn, or recalibrate, itself to the transaxle.

Quick Learn procedure is available to preprogram the shift characteristics into the TCM. The Quick Learn procedure simply speeds up the TCM learning process. The vehicle must still be driven and shifted several times in each gear range during the road test. This will fully utilize the TCM's adaptive memory capability. The Quick Learn procedure is accessed through transaxle diagnosis and performed by the DRB Scan Tool.

Scheduled Learn is the other shift quality learn procedure. It is designed and programmed into the TCM, as an ongoing process that continually updates shift timing and learns clutch fill rates. This is done to optimize shifting throughout the life of the transaxle. The vehicle should initially be driven by the technician to start the scheduled learning function.

Perform both the Quick Learn and Shift Quality learn, or Road Test, procedures when any of the following repairs are made to the vehicle:
- When replacing the transaxle, TCM, solenoid pack, clutches, clutch seals, valve body