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Post Collision Safety Belt Inspection

WARNING: All safety belt assemblies include retractors, buckles, front seat belt buckle support assemblies (slide bar, if so equipped), shoulder belt height adjuster (if equipped), child safety seat tether bracket assemblies (if equipped) and attaching hardware should be inspected after any collision. Ford recommends new safety belt assemblies be installed unless a qualified technician finds the assemblies show no damage and operate correctly. Safety belt assemblies not in use during a collision should also be inspected and new assemblies installed if either damage or incorrect operation is noted.

1. Before installing a new safety belt assembly, the safety belt attaching areas must be inspected for damage and distortion. If the attaching points are damaged and distorted, the sheet metal must be worked back to its original shape and structural integrity.
2. Install the new safety belt(s). Carry-out the Functional Test. Component Tests and General Diagnostics