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With V5 Compressor

Rear Head Details - V5 Compressor:

The V5 is a variable displacement compressor that can match all air conditioning demands under all conditions without cycling. The basic compressor mechanism is a variable angle wobble-plate with five axially oriented cylinders. The center of control of the compressor displacement is a bellows actuated control valve located in the rear head of the compressor that senses compressor suction pressure. The wobble-plate angle and compressor displacement are controlled by the crankcase-suction pressure differential. When the A/C capacity demand is high, the suction pressure will be above the control point; the valve will maintain a bleed from crankcase to suction; no crankcase-suction pressure differential; and the compressor will have maximum displacement. When the A/C capacity demand is lower and the suction pressure reaches the control point, the valve will bleed discharge gas into the crankcase and close off a passage from the crankcase to the suction plenum. The angle of the wobble-plate is controlled by a force balance on the five pistons. A slight elevation of the crankcase-suction pressure differential creates a total force on the pistons resulting in a movement about the wobble-plate pivot pin that reduces the plate angle.

The crankcase-suction bleed is routed through the rotating wobble-plate for lubrication of the wobble-plate bearing. This rotation acts as an oil separator; which removes some of the oil from the crankcase-suction bleed, rerouting it to the crankcase where it can lubricate the compressor mechanism.

When servicing the V5 compressor, keep dirt and foreign material from getting on or into the compressor parts and system. Clean tools and a clean work area are important for proper service. The compressor connections and the outside of the compressor should be cleaned before any "on-vehicle" repairs, or before removal of the compressor. The parts must be kept clean at all times and any parts to be reassembled should be cleaned with Trichloroethane, naptha, stoddard solvent, kerosene or equivalent solvent and dried with dry air. Use only lint free cloths to wipe parts.

Mounting View:

Up to 113 g (4 fl.oz.) of oil can collect in the crankcase. Therefore, it is important when replacing a compressor that the oil in the old compressor crankcase be drained through the drain plug and measured (discard after recording amount).

NOTICE: Remove the oil drain plug to make sure the compressor is drained completely of oil.

All replacement compressors will be shipped with 227 g (8 fl.oz.) of oil in the crankcase. The oil must be drained and retained. Then replace the oil in the same amount as previously recorded from the old compressor. Refer to "Specifications."